I present to you, one of the most bizarre pictures of Indonesian girl I found on the net!!
Just look at the serenade of the pictures below, and you will know that I'm 100% right!
This unlucky chick came from Sukabumi, a small town in Indonesia, and while her teenager friends uploaded typical but ordinary pictures on social networking sites (Friendster, Facebook etc.), this girl have a different opinion!
She put strange pictures on her profile (too bad I forget the URL!), and for your satisfaction, I'll put some of her most strangest pictures on my blog. Enjoy!

This is THE BEST PICTURE of her, showed her and the part of lamb massacre. Look at the pose of her and the man on the background, and you'll know how suffered the photographer was!

Bravely, she told her unfortunate friend to shot a pic of her in front of... Freshly dead cow!!! If they called this an art, I don't know what to say...

I think there's not a single problem at all from this picture, except that on the name of art, she showed her depression on the rocks, somewhere on the remote island!

Waiting for never-coming prince, girl? My advice, stop acting silly and you'll get your chance!

Fishing on the dirty pool, with all-men around, she bravely conquered the fish-net!

What is on her mug, a plane? a bullet? It's superman!

The best place to pose is not on the studio, but on the jungle full of dead logs!

Want to know her 'normal' picture?

Not long after this picture was taken, a train passed by and killed the photographer...

Even though in cold, wet, nearly suffocated, but didn't forget to take the camera and posed for herself!
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